Best SEO tools used by
experts for ranking website in 2019

Keywords are the basis of driving traffic to your website

Google Search Console

A great way to know whether your SEO is working on Google is to get that information directly from Google.

Google Search Console shows you everything you need to know about how a website appears in Google search. This means how frequently it appears on Google and which keywords it’s ranking for. It will also show your click-through rate.

Key Features:

Monitor how Google perceives your website.
Keep track of what keywords visitors are using to reach you.
Stay on top of any crawl, meta tag, or sitemap errors.
Update your robots.txt file.
Monitor your site’s backlinks.
Get alerts if your site is infected with malware.
Price: Free!

SEMrush –Marketing SEO Tools

SEMrush is one of the most popular SEO analysis options on the market. It allows you to track paid traffic, social media-driven traffic, and, of course, desktop and mobile traffic.

It’s also home to a popular keyword research tool. Enter a word or phrase. This SEO checker will tell you its search volume, potential, difficulty. Competing companies that already rank for it.

Ahrefs: SEO Keyword Tool

Ahrefs is one of the most recommended SEO tools online. It’s only second to Google when it comes to being the largest website crawlers. SEO experts can’t get enough of Ahref’s Site Audit feature as it’s the best SEO analysis tool around.

The tool highlights what parts of your website require improvements to help ensure your best ranking. From a competitor analysis perspective.  You’ll likely use Ahrefs to determine your competitor’s backlinks to use them as a starting point for your own brand.

You can also use this SEO tool to find the most linked to content within your niche.

KWFinder: SEO Keyword Tool

An SEO Keyword Tool like KWFinder helps you find long-tail keywords that have a lower level of competition. The experts use this SEO tool to find the best keywords and run analysis reports on backlinks and SERP. Their Rank Tracker tool helps you easily determine your ranking while tracking your improvement based on one key metric. Plus, if that’s not enough, you’ll get a ton of new keyword ideas to help you rank your website even higher.

Ubersuggest: Keyword Tracking Tool

Ubersuggest, developed by Neil Patel, is a keyword finder tool that helps you identify keywords and also the search intent behind them by sho.wing the top ranking SERPs for them.

From short to long-tail phrases, you can find the right terms to use on your website with hundreds of suggestions from this free great keyword tool. Metrics they include in their report are keyword volume, competition, CPC, and seasonal trends.

Great for both organic, SEO and paid, PPC teams this tool can help determine if a keyword is worth targeting and how competitive it is.


BuzzStream offers you a collection of tools to help with domain research, email marketing, and project management. It’s a very all-in-one type of platform, and the sheer number of options it provides can be intimidating. With that in mind, let’s focus on how it can help you tackle your SEO needs.

When it comes to research, BuzzStream can help you collate lists of results for the keywords you look into. Then it provides you information about each of those websites, including overall rankings, related social media accounts, domain age and authority, and more.

In practice, you can use these features to help you do thorough research into who your competitors are and the content they’re publishing. Moreover, it can even help you create lists of their authors and what each one is up to so you can keep an even closer eye on their strategies.

Key Features:

Research your competitors based on any keywords you want to target.
Collect data about domain age and authority for specific websites.
Find out what your competitors’ rankings are in the SERPs.
Locate the social media accounts for your competitions’ sites.
Create lists of authors who write for competing websites and follow what they’re doing.

Moz Pro :

Moz Pro is a suite of tools created to help you tackle SEO using a data-driven approach. To give you a quick overview, Moz Pro is rather similar to SEMrush.

In that it enables you to research both specific long-tail keywords and other domains. You can use this information to avoid keywords with little potential and to improve on what your competitors are doing.

When you look into a keyword using Moz Pro, it will show you a difficulty score that illustrates how challenging it will likely be to rank for that term. You also get an overview of how many people are searching for that phrase, and you can even create lists of keywords for easy comparison.

These are all features you’d expect from a reliable keyword research tool, but Moz Pro stands out thanks to a very intuitive interface.

As for what’s so unique about Moz Pro, the platform offers a Chrome extension you can use to get information on any domain you visit. Moreover, it can offer suggestions about on-page optimization and alert you about crawling errors, much like Google Search Console.

Key Features:

Research how competitive a keyword is, as well as its search volume.
Get suggestions on related keywords.

Investigate your competitors, including which keywords they’re targeting.
Use a Chrome extension to look into other domains without going to the Moz website.
Compare multiple keywords using custom lists.
Get on-page optimization suggestions and error alerts.